诸葛亮(181年—234年),字孔明,琅琊郡阳都县(今山東省临沂市沂南縣)人。三國時期蜀漢(季漢)丞相 ,亦是政治家、军事家、发明家及散文家,曾发明木牛流马,诸葛连弩等。他常被後世認為是智慧和忠義的典範。先為劉備麾下核心幕僚,後主劉禅初年蜀漢實際上的最高領導人。 諸葛亮年輕時自比管仲、樂毅,人稱「卧龙」 。劉備三顧茅廬始見之,為劉備。
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融洽 means action or felling or thought are synchronized. Like when two people are in sync, and one know what the other think by simply observing his movement and will act accordingly. Or something like that. 和睦。
• In the 1993 Russian constitutional referendum, 58.4% of voters approved of the new Constitution of Russia. • The Troubles: Protestants Andrew Beacom, 46, and Ernest Smith, 49, both members of the Royal Ulster Constabulary, were shot and killed by the Irish Republican Army while sitting in an RUC civilian-type car in Fivemiletown, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland.
《太史公自序》是漢代史學家、文學家司馬遷創作的一篇文章,編在《史記》的最後,既是《史記》的自序,也是司馬遷的自傳,不僅一部《史記》總括於此,而且司馬遷一生。 See more